Which Home Appliances Use the Most Energy?
Last Updated on November 15, 2020 by Bharat Saini
The amount of energy we use in the home is not only a concern in terms of keeping energy bills to a minimum, but also because it has a direct impact on our environment. The more energy we use, the more fuel we need to burn, meaning more harmful emissions enter our atmosphere. Whether you are motivated by your finances or the environment, taking steps to reduce energy consumption is something we all need to take responsibility for. This guide reveals the appliances which use the most energy in your home, so you can take steps to adjust your lifestyle or upgrade to a more energy efficient model.
Heating: 100 kWh to 3,500 kWh per month
In many if not all states it is important to have a heating system, but it is one of the most energy-hungry appliances in the home accounting for nearly a third of your annual bills. This will vary depending on the type of heating system you have and how often you use it. The most common heating systems in the US are furnaces that are powered by natural gas, oil, or electricity to provide heating. Another popular system is a boiler that heats water, which is then distributed through pipes and radiators.
To ensure your heating system is working efficiently and effectively, you should get it professionally serviced every year. Alternatively, if you are ready to embrace renewable technology, which is better for the environment and runs on natural sources energy, you might want to consider an air source heat pump, or ground source heat pump. Click here for more information on heat pumps.
Finally, to minimize your heating bills, it is worth checking if another energy supplier could offer a cheaper tariff per unit of gas, oil, or electricity.
Air conditioning: 200 to 1,800 kWh per month
An air conditioning system uses a lot of energy and is often left running for a long time during the summer months. To reduce how much energy the system uses, you should get it serviced by a professional every year, but you could also close off vents in rooms that are rarely used. A thermostat that turns the system on and off to a schedule can also help to reduce unnecessary energy consumption, as can improving the insulation and draught proofing in your home. Of course, if your air conditioning system is more than 10 years old, it may be time to consider replacement air conditioning installation Adelaide, if you’re in Australia, for example.
Water heating: 400 kWh of energy per month
Some properties are provided with hot water by their boiler, but others rely on a separate hot water heater that supplies taps, showers, and enables them to clean their clothes. Water heaters that are powered by electricity are often the most expensive to run, and obviously the larger the water heater the more it will cost to run.
To reduce your water heating bills, take shorter showers, and wash your clothes on a cooler cycle. You can reduce the temperature setting on the heater itself as it does not need to be higher than 120 degrees (Fahrenheit). A more environmentally friendly solution with much cheaper running costs is to install solar thermal panels on the roof. These panels use free natural energy from the sun to heat water in a storage tank for your taps and showers.