What does Swarrnim University offer?
Residences are available to all Swarrnim students from all academic programs.
An all-you-can-eat meal plan
Opportunities to participate in student life programming and become a student leader
Smaller class sizes that provide opportunities to interact with professors and classmates
Friendly communities so you can feel at home with additional resources and support
Financial aid and award opportunities available only to University College residents and university students
Reasons why you should live and study in a university college
- Home Away From Home
Many people I know who have lived at one of the University Colleges have said how “home” their college felt. This is mainly due to the small size of the colleges and their emphasis on community development. Events, such as coffeehouses and movie nights, help you know your peers.
- Specializations
Another thing that university colleges offer is academic specializations. Each college is home to different Swarrnim University programs. Swarrnim University, one of the best college in Ahmedabad, focuses on Engineering, Management; Designing; B.sc and M.sc, and Ayurveda and homeopathic Studies. If you consider majoring in one of these programs, the corresponding university college might be a perfect fit.
Even if you do not plan to study in these fields, University College residence halls are open to students from all six faculties.
- Smaller classes
One of the most intimidating things about college is the size of the lectures or classes. Large classes can make you feel like a number in the system and make it hard to connect with classmates and teachers. The good thing about university colleges is that the class sizes are much smaller. University colleges prioritize small class sizes so staff and faculty can focus more on their students, making sure they feel at home in their community and get the support they need.
- Welcoming environment
One of my favorite things about being co-enrolled and taking classes at a university college is their welcome and acceptance. Even though I was not a resident, the events organized by the student activities team allowed me to make friends who I still hang out with today, more than three years later!
- Leadership Opportunities
Swarrnim university is one of the best private college in Ahmedabad, which gives leadership opportunities abound, and the small community makes these positions accessible and easy to find! There are many ways to get involved, such as becoming a Club Leader, Life in Don Residence, joining the Student Council, or more! Many college leadership positions are paid, and all add skills to your resume!
- Support and Connections
The support you will receive as a co-registered student or resident will be beneficial during your time at Swarrnim University. If you are a co-enrolled student, you will receive additional academic support, including academic advisors, peer leaders, walk-in help, and workshops to help you in your coursework and undergraduate degree.
As a resident, you will have a gift, a sophomore whose job is to help you with anything you need. Dons will support you by fostering bonds between people on your floor, being someone to talk to, answering questions about college life, or helping you when you’re locked out of your dorm.
In addition, Swarrnim university, one of the best private college in Gujarat, has paid staff who support students with mental health, transition to college, and residence life programs.