Should mobile phones be allowed in classroom?
Last Updated on February 21, 2017 by Bharat Saini
The presence of mobile phones is ubiquitous. They have become integral to our day today life. Who does not own mobile in today’s age? And who does not want to possess the one? From teens to adolescents to adult to youth and to elders all have developed deep fondness for mobile phones. Not just that toddlers and children in the age group of 10-14 has a cherish the desire to be a part of the world of mobile telephony because owning and possessing it is a unique and wonderful experience or rather has become a necessity. Along with it comes the vast panorama of technology world in form of Whatsapp, net facility, social media, to mention a few, among others. Mobile phone has occupied such much a big space that its parting, missing and dispossession generates a sense of orphanage in our heart and mind for a while.
The kind of multipurpose utility this small instrument of communication carries makes it enormously worthwhile for anybody who want to live and enjoy this life but at the same it may cause many problems if misused while talking, texting or using apps and driving. At times it can seriously imperil the life;it can also prove to be health hazard if precautionary measures to save oneself from the radiation it emits are not taken.
The answer of the question as to whether mobile phones should be allowed in classroom or not is more positive than negative provided it is used in the class for positive purposes such as to keep track of the children activities if they are engaged in studies or are being distracted. Sometimes cell phone can work as alarming bell to reach children in time of emergency and unforeseen crisis at school. It is to be clearly understood that the use of mobile phones must be judicious and wise. Mobile is portable technology tool and a power medium of communication and connection. It can work as an aiding device for imparting instructions and play a role of an excellent teaching resource for teachers. Students sometimes tend to fall into the pit of bad company and are likely to misuse the cell phone by taking some clip that is against established social norms or morality. In the classroom students can be taught manners and etiquette with regard to application of this portable device what dangers it poses to life and health and prestige and respect if not used safely and restrainedly. Certain small problems are still there in the use of cell phone in classroom for instance a ringing or vibrating cell phone disrupts the smooth teaching environment and can cause irritation. Besides there are certain websites and apps which may morally corrupt the impressionist minds of students but connectivity to campus wifi may provide teachers and administrators; control over what sites students may or may not access in the classroom as well in the school premises.
So on the whole or to say on the positive side mobile phones as already stated can be applied as teaching tools, but with utter consciousness that their use may not threaten the delicate environment and the academic aura of the classroom. The student must always remember the fact while taking the cell phone in the classroom what is required on their part is the selectiveness in approach when to use and when not to use as it can go either way- to their advantage and also to their disadvantage. A little wisdom can make them discern as to where the righteous side lie as far as the use of cell phone in the class room is concerned. Moreover cell phone can help in creating interactivity among the students; it may aid the physically challenged and visually impaired to grasp knowledge without any difficulty and fuss as there are many apps that have been developed which can be put in the service on mankind through the mobile telephony.