Home Improvement

Selling a Home on a Noisy Street: Could Acoustic Grade Window Inserts Help?

Last Updated on September 7, 2017 by Bharat Saini

Selling a home on a noisy street can be more difficult than selling a home where it is nice and quiet. Flight paths, freeways and even noisy neighbors can make buyers want to plug their ears and run. If you are thinking about improving the soundproofing in your home before you sell it, you might consider window inserts as a less-expensive option compared to replacing the windows entirely. You might consider window inserts as a less-expensive option with the help of A+ Construction & Remodeling contractor. Here’s what you need to know:


Why Are Windows Less Effective at Blocking Noise?

You can probably understand that windows are less effective in general at blocking things from entering the home. This is as true for noise as it is for heat in the summer, and cold air in the winter. Windows can only be so efficient at blocking sound because there are only one, two or more panes of glass between you and the outdoors. In addition, the gaps around the windows can also allow air and sound to pass more freely inside. If you do not have windows that are designed to block sound more effectively, you might need something you can add that helps to make your home feel quieter.


How Do Acoustic Grade Window Inserts Work?

Think of trying to listen to something inside your home. Now, imagine that you are listening to the same thing in a soundproofed studio. The more soundproofing you have, the better it is to hear something on the inside. This also means that you will hear less coming from the outside. Soundwaves can transcend walls, but only a portion of it will actually make it through. The more effective you can make the blockage, the less uninvited sound you will hear from outdoors. The window inserts surround your windows, providing extra barriers to stop the soundwaves from permeating.


Which Frequencies Do Window Inserts Block?

Since you do not need to live in a soundproof studio to have a successful selling experience, you should understand that even good products are not going to block 100 percent of the noise coming in. Inserts and even soundproof windows are generally better at blocking certain types of frequencies. Sound frequencies range from a low, rumbling bass to the high-pitched squeals of neighbor children playing outside. Acoustic grade window inserts are usually best at blocking the higher frequencies. This should not imply that window inserts are useless for a backfiring truck or a jet flying by, just that they cannot do quite as much for sounds at those frequencies.


What Are Other Ways to Minimize Outdoor Noise?

Ultimately, you probably need a multifaceted approach to reducing sound in the noisiest places. Window inserts are some of the best choices you can make to decrease noise transfer, but you can do other things with your windows in addition to this installation. Keep your windows closed and locked during rush hour. Consider adding window treatments, such as curtains. Use weatherstripping to block the air leaks around the windows. All of these practices will also help to slow heat transfer around windows, which could increase your energy efficiency.
Selling a home in a noisy area requires some creative thinking. By taking advantage of your options for acoustic grade window inserts and other window treatments, you can cut down on the noise and offer prospective buyers the kind of comforting haven they expect.

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