Science-Business-Self-Government – TOGETHER FOR ECONOMY
Last Updated on November 12, 2018 by Bharat Saini
8th European Congress on SMEs, event that is already a part of the tradition of European economic events, was held from 17 to 19 October 2018 at Kotawice, Poland, with this edition’s main slogan of: “Science-Business-Self-Government – TOGETHER FOR ECONOMY”, wherein Alka Arora, Joint Secretary, Ministry of MSME, leading a delegation of 32 SMEs from India said, “India is home to more than 60 million MSMEs, which have the ability and capability to access international markets and work as ancillaries to larger international firms. These MSMEs provide livelihood to more than 100 million people and create value for the entire global community.” and added, “Given the impact of MSMEs in India, it is imperative to integrate them into the global value chain by establishing possible linkages with international partners”.
Several dozen panel sessions and a number of workshops and informal meetings attended by experts from Poland and abroad took place within the three days of the Congress. A special session of one and a half hour was allotted for discussion about trade and business opportunities with India and Indian SMEs. The visiting Indian delegation showcased Indian products and services at the Expo in the Indian Pavilion.
Small and Medium Enterprises from around 50 countries participated in the 3-day event. As the small and medium-size entrepreneurship is the most important sector of the Polish economy, it was the main subject of the European Congress of Small and Medium-Size Enterprises. Challenges and possibilities of development of small and medium-size enterprises were discussed by the most significant personalities in Poland, representatives of science, politics and economy, as well as numerous foreign delegations.
The multi-sector matchmaking event within the 8th European Congress of SMEs offered a large amount of practical knowledge, based on the latest trends in economy, law and marketing on national, European and worldly level, besides covering the changes taking place and being announced by the latest acts and regulations. It gave companies the opportunity to learn latest developments, new technologies, future trends and R&I concepts, key R&D players offering services to companies, acquire new cross-border contacts and initiate collaborations.