Role of Intellectuals in the Turbulent World
Last Updated on March 28, 2017 by Bharat Saini
The role of intellectuals in society is a complicated subject. Their roles vary with the time in which those intellectuals are born. Their contribution can be defined in different contexts. However, one cannot dispute what a meaningful and crucial impact intellectuals can make, particularly in today’s rapidly changing times.
Who is an Intellectual ?
Intellectuals are in a position to expose the views of Government, to analyse action according to their causes and motives and often hidden intentions.
Arthur C. Clarke, one of the most important and influential figures in 20th century, once said that,
“My favourite definition of an intellectual : Someone who has been educated beyond his/her intelligence.”
An intellectual is a person who relies on intellect rather than on emotions or feelings. Intellectuals are those who have diverse wisdom and foresight, who apply their intellect and forward looking visions for the purpose of awakening society. They help to divert the masses from what is unwise and wrong towards what is righteous and the good.
Intellectuals seek truth and knowledge in its entirely, have a sharp intellect and a logical approach and are rational to the core. They are precursors of revolutionary movements in the world. They can be called ‘Brain of the society.’
There are 3 key factors in nurturing intellectuals : knowledge, ability and willingness to awaken society and doing so for a noble cause or purpose. The lack of any one of these elements is inconsistent with the definition of an intellectual. From this persecptive, it is evident that discussing the role of intellectuals is a discussion about the social responsibility of knowledgeable people.
There is a great deal of truth in Einstein’s words :
“The world is a dangerous place, not because of those who do evil, but because of those who look on and do nothing.”
A person with capabilities and knowledge bears this kind of responsibility and owes his or her world the benefits of his or her profound wisdom. Intellectuals need to use their capacity to contribute to steering society away from the negatively-impacting results that they foresee, not just for past misdirected efforts, but also for current and future in-appropriate endeavours.
Turbulence in the World
Today the world is going through a turbulent phase. Every part of the world has its own share of problems. Some issues are global, some regional while some are local. Numerous lives are suffering across the world irrespective of age, race, religion or country. There is a need for logical thinkers to show the people the right discourse, that is good not only for themselves but also for their fellow human beings.
Role of Intellectuals in Today’s World
The role of intellectuals becomes more significant today than ever before. Their requirement can be specified in a number of contexts as multiple challenges are confronting the world in 21st century.
(1) Resolving civil wars or ethnic conflicts : Several countries in the world, mainly in West Asia, are facing civil wards such as Syria, Libya, Turkey, Yemen etc. People have overtly and violently shown their discontent against the state. Numerous lives are being lost everyday. Intellectuals can act as a bridge between the discontented people and the state. They can encourage both to resolve their conflict peacefully.
(2) Abolishing poverty, hunger and several social ills : Poverty is a worldwide problem and is not limited to developing countries due to increasing inequality globally the rich are getting richer and the poor are being subjected to inhumane conditions. Hunger across the world is a manifestation of this. Millions of people die each year due to unavailability of food and on the other hand millions of tons of food get damaged and wasted due to human ignorance. Also several ills such as gender bias, corruption, intolerance etc. have deteriorated the quality of life of many people. Intellectuals can raise their voices against such unjust phenomena. They can force nations to look at these problems from the lens of universal humanity and not individual nationalism.
(3) Campaign against Terrorism : Terrorism is the biggest threat to humankind. Moreover what is worse is that it is being justified in the name of religion. Muslim community is being looked across the globe with a sense of suspicion. Intellectuals, with their reach to all the religions on the planet, can preach the message of humanity and the actual meaning of devotion to God. They can prevent the youth from being attracted to these fanatics.
(4) Awareness about Climate Change : The burden of climate change, due to environment unfriendly approach to growth of rich and industrialised nations is being felt by every creature, be it living or non-living, on the earth. Intellectuals can encourage these nations to assume their historical responsibilities. Moreover, nations that have long exploited and harmed our earth due to their advanced and luxurious lifestyles cannot be placed at par with the nations that are yet to fulfil the minimum basic needs of their citizens. This would be injustice. Intellectuals can raise voice against this. Also, they can motivate people across the globe to make their lifestyles environment friendly. Because unless people change their lifestyles it would not be possible to resolve the global warming issue and climate change will prove to be an existential threat to our planet as visible by the disappearance of many small island states.
(5) Humanitarian Crisis Across Europe : This is perhaps the biggest crisis of this century. Due to civil wars in West Asia, people, who are fleeing persecution, cross Medi-terranean Sea to seek asylum in Europe. However Europe is divided on immigrant issue. While some nations such as Germany are ready to give asylum to these immigrants many nations such as Hungary, Greese etc. have sealed their borders. This is a violation of human rights of those people. Intellectuals can raise their voice against such gross injustice. They can propose a just, peaceful and humane solution to this crisis. They can make the world aware about the conditions of refugees and encourage big world powers to intervene in such situations. They can also motivate European nations to have more accommodative approach and adopt a humane outlook towards the crisis.
(6) Upholding Fundamental Values : Intellectuals can play a prominent role in upholding and preserving the basic fundamental values across all the nations of the world such as democracy, gender justice, social equality, universal brotherhood, equal distribution of opportunities, tolerance towards all religions, respect for others’ sovere-ignty and peaceful resolution of disputes.
Examples of Scholars
Frank Fured, the famous sociology professor of UK, once said that,
“Intellectuals are not defined according to the jobs they do, but by the manner in which they act, the way they see themselves, and the values that they uphold.”
Intellectuals believe in high thinking and simple living. They have moral values which they uphold throughout their lives and preach them to others also. Levin devoted his entire life to the upliftment of working classes. Socrates, a Greek philosopher, preached the principle that knowledge is virtue and virtue is knowledge. Lord Christ gave the message of love and service to humanity. Philosophers like Montesquieu Voltaire and Rousseau were responsible for bringing about a Revolution in France in 1789. Rousseau gave the clarion call for Liberty, Equality and Fraternity for all. In India, Gandhiji preached truth, non-violence and love. Adi Shankaracharya gave the message of love for all.
Intellectuals are agents of change, particularly in those parts of the world where the unjust and aberrant behaviour are the prevalent. By their revolutionary ideas, intellectuals like Lord Buddha, Lord Christ, Adi Shankaracharya, Guru Nanak, Socrates, Mahatma Gandhi change the very thinking of the people. In reality the teachings of these intel-lectuals are relevant even today when the world is on the brink of another world war. The degeneration in the values of life that we notice today can be stemmed only by the noble teachings of intellectual giants.
Today man has become very selfish and materialistic. Nations are indulging in protecting their own vested interests. Global issues are being dealt with feelings like individualism, protection of their citizens, maximum possible exploitation of natural resources and achieving growth at every cost. Poverty and hunger in developing countries are not being appropriately addressed. Intellectuals can expose these problems and drive them towards global campaigns. They can instill or ignite morality among people. They can force both States and citizens to look beyond their peculiar interests and take steps for the welfare of the whole community. They can spread their ideas and values beyond the boundaries constructed by nations as Frank Furedi, once said that,
“Intellectuals are not defined according to the jobs they do, but by the manner in which they act, the way they are themselves and the values that they uphold.”