Quantum Cryptography will Prevent Hackers from Breaking into Bank Accounts
Last Updated on February 27, 2017 by Bharat Saini
Quantum cryptography is the science of exploiting quantum mechanical properties to perform cryptographic tasks. Its best known example is Quantum Key Distribution which offers an information-theoretically secure solution to the key exchange problem. This can be a central point of quantum-safe infrastructure for banks, financial and governmental institutions ensuring security of communication.
Quantum cryptography is a recent technique that can be used to ensure the confidentiality of information transmitted between two parties, usually called Alice and Bob, by exploiting the counterintuitive behavior of elementary particles such as photons. It is a technique of using photons to generate a cryptographic key and transmit it to a receiver using a suitable communication channel. A cryptographic key plays the most important role in cryptography; it is used to encrypt/decrypt data.
In quantum cryptography, the source sends a key to the receiver, and this key can be used to decrypt any future messages that are to be sent. When the key has been successfully sent and received, the next step is to send encrypted data to the receiver and let it decrypt and process that data. The key is the main part of cryptography and should be sent in a very secure manner. Quantum cryptography has a different way of sending the key to the receiver. It uses photons to send a key. Photons are individual particles or waves of light and quantum cryptography is based on photons’ intrinsic quantum properties to develop an unbreakable cryptosystem. This technology is feasible as it is not possible to measure the quantum state of any system without disturbing the system.
Quantum cryptography technology is relevant at a time when hacking targets are multiplying in India as the country goes digital. It was recently discovered that a phishing websites created by cybercriminals spoofed 26 Indian banks in order to steal personal information from customers. There were reports of another incident where security of about 3.2 million debit cards got compromised in India.
Russian Quantum Center conducts scientific research that could lead to a fundamentally new class of technologies. Among the potential results of this research are safe data transmission networks, new materials with superior properties, optical sub-micron transistors, high-frequency optical electronics, and new systems for ultrasensitive imaging of the brain and accurate clocks for navigation systems are among the potential results of this research. RQC research includes developing ‘unbreakable cryptography’ for the banks and the government organizations.
Russian Quantum Center has offered to collaborate with India and share its quantum technology that will prevent hackers from breaking into bank accounts. This could make banking and security hack proof in communication in India.
Quantum key distribution comprises a quantum channel and a public classical authenticated channel. As a universal convention in quantum cryptography, Alice sends quantum states to Bob through a quantum channel. Eve is suspected of eavesdropping on the line.