General Knowledge
Indian Economy A Few Facts: At A Glance (POPULATION)
Last Updated on May 10, 2017 by Bharat Saini
Total Population of the Country (Census 2011) | 121·0854 crore |
Decadal Growth Rate (2001–11) | 17·7% |
Rural Population Growth | 12·3% |
Urban Population Growth | 31·8% |
Percentage of World Population (2011) | 17·5% |
Total Rural Population (2011) | 83·37 crore |
Total Urban Population (2011) | 37·71 crore |
Rural-Urban Population Ratio (2011) | 68·84 : 31·16 |
Sex Ratio (2011) (Female per thousand male) | 943 |
Child Sex Ratio (2011) (0–6 years) | 919 |
State with highest Female-Male Ratio (2011) | Kerala (1084) |
Labour Force (2009–13) World Bank | 48·43 crore |
Total workers (2011 census) | 48·17 crore |
Male | 33·18 crore |
Female | 14·98 crore |
Density of Population (2011) | 382 per sq. km |
Birth Rate (2016) | 19·28 per thousand population |
Death Rate (2016) | 7·3 per thousand population |
TFR per woman (2016) | 2·45 |
Maternal Mortality Rate (Per 100000 live births) (2011–13) | 167 |
Infant Mortality Rate (2014) | 39 per thousand live births |
Rural | 43 |
Urban | 26 |
Males | 37 |
Female | 40 |
Child (0 – 5) Mortality Rate 2016 (Per 1000 Children) | 54·46 |
CENSUS 2011 Figures At a Glance–India |
Population | Persons | 1210·8 million | 100·00 |
Rural | 833·7 million | 68·8 | |
Urban | 377·1 million | 31·2 | |
Decadal Population Growth 2001–11 | Absolute | Percentage growth rate | |
Persons | 18,19,89,496 | 17·7 | |
Males | 99·97 million | 12·3 | |
Females | 99·99 million | 31·8 | |
Density of Population (per sq. km) | 382 | ||
Sex Ratio (Females per 1000 males) | 943 | ||
Population in the age group 0–6 |
Absolute |
Percentage to total population | |
Persons | 164·5 million | 13·6 | |
Rural | 121·3 million | 14·6 | |
Urban | 43·2 million | 11·5 | |
Literacy rate | Persons | 73·0 | |
Males | 80·9 | ||
Females | 64·6 |
(The census 2011 results of Mao-Masam, Paomata and Parul subdivisions of Senapati district of Manipur were with-held due to administrative reasons. The figure have now been finalized and declared by office of the registrar General of India on 07-01-2014. Above given census data is after the inclusion of the census of three subdivisions of Senapati District of Manipur.)
Life Expectancy (at the time of birth) (2010–14) | 67·9 years |
Male | 66·4 years |
Female | 69·4 years |
Literacy Rate (2011) | 73·0 per cent |
Male | 80·9 per cent |
Female (2016) | 64·6 per cent |
Literacy (2011) | |
Rural Male | 77·2% |
Urban Male | 88·8% |
Rural Female | 57·9% |
Urban Female | 79·1% |
Religionwise Population (2011) | |
Hindu population (%) | 79·8% |
Muslim population (%) | 14·2% |
Christian population (%) | 2·3% |
Sikh population (%) | 1·7% |
GVA Growth in Various Sectors of the Economy (At Basic Prices 2011-12) (in %) |
Sector |
2015-16 |
2016-17 IInd (AE) |
1. Agriculture Forestry and Fishing | 0·8 | 4·4 |
2. Mining and Quarying | 12·3 | 1·3 |
3. Manufacturing | 10·6 | 7·7 |
4. Electricity, Gas, Water Supply and Other Utility Services | 5·1 | 6·6 |
5. Construction | 2·8 | 3·1 |
6. Trade, Hotel Transport, Commu-nication | 10·7 | 7·3 |
7. Financial Real Estate and Profe-ssional Services | 10·8 | 6·5 |
8. Public Administration Defence and Other Services | 6·9 | 11·2 |
GVA at Basic Prices | 7·8 | 6·7 |
Growth Rates (At Constant Prices) (in %) |
2015-16 | 2016-17
IInd AD Es |
1. GDP | 7·9 | 7·2 |
2. NDP | 8·0 | 7·2 |
3. GVA at Basic Prices | 7·8 | 6·7 |
4. GNI | 7·9 | 7·2 |
5. NNI | 8·0 | 7·2 |
6. Per Capita Income | 6·6 | 5·9 |
Population Growth % (2001–11) | |
Hindu | 16·8% |
Muslim | 24·6% |
Christian | 15·5% |
Sikh | 8·4% |
Religionwise Sex-ratio (2011) | |
Hindu | 939/1000 males |
Muslims | 951/1000 males |
State having maximum Muslim population | Assam |