Lockport Data Center Adds Top Yahoo Customer Care Technology
Last Updated on May 23, 2015 by Bharat Saini
Yahoo InvestmentsÂ
Yahoo has invested over $500,000 in 2009, to build a new operation in New York. A new Grand Opening extension of $170-million will create a home for the expanded team of 115 new high-tech customer care and data employees with two-30 thousand square foot computer rooms.
Lockport, New York is the recipient of this brand new, green architectural designed data center. Their energy resource usage plan tops other world class energy and resource efficient data center designs because it significantly conserves energy. Using their access to 7.2 megawatts of hydropower, which also reduces the need for excess water usage, plus the outside air-cooling benefits of the building architecture, Yahoo can keep servers precisely cooled. This innovative Yahoo Compute Coop (YCC) architecture efficiently eliminates any need for energy intensive room chillers to keep servers running at the exact right temperatures.
Yahoo PartnershipsÂ
Yahoo enjoys the success of their partnership with Western New York, and hosted a Grand Opening Celebration attended by the highly esteemed key figures including Lieutenant Governor Kath Lochul; NY State Senator Robert Ortt; NY State Assemblyman John Ceretto; and NY State Assemblyman Raymond Walter; as well as New York Power Authority (NYPA) Chairman John R. Koelmel; Town of Lockport Supervisor Marc Smith; Town of Lockport Industrial Development Agency (IDA) Chairman Tom Sy. These are people representative of the business-friendly environment offered to Yahoo within local Western New York.
Finalizing this Lockport Facility expansion is another planned progressive step in the last five-year partnership that has strengthened work efforts between Yahoo and Western New York. Yahoo has provided other streams of giving back to the Lockport community, such as their generous commitment to donate $3.5 million to the Community Foundation of Greater Buffalo. The Yahoo executive leadership team were on-hand to honor and express appreciation to our New York elite. David Filo, Co-Founder & Chief Yahoo; Mike Kail, Chief Information Officer; and Catherine Card, VP for Customer Experience; were all excited to talk with New York’s officials about the continuing success of this mutually beneficial relationship for the future.Â
Yahoo Data Center ExpansionÂ
Having this second expanded addition to the Yahoo data center for customer users’ support and new product experiences, offers the latest in additional data center racks capacity and data provision, which is sure to assist their exceptionally talented and dedicated workforce as well. Yahoo has moved away from leased data centers almost entirely. There are other data centers to service Yahoo clients and customers in Nebraska, Quincey, La Vista, and an international data center in Singapore, Japan. Thus far, the Lockport and Quincy data centers are the only two designed with Yahoo’s Computing Coop, (YCC) for maximum air circulation. Also nicknames the chicken coop design, air enters the building through massive louvers in the side-walls. Cool air gets pulled through the servers and the warm air is released and rises. There is a narrow pendulum at the roof peak with louvers to release the warm air back outside. If there was an occasional time that the air outside became too hot, there is a backup evaporative cooling system.Â