
How Rewording Tools are Assisting Teachers and Students and Saving Their Time

Last Updated on August 12, 2020 by Bharat Saini

Paraphrasing is to present ideas in your own way but also acknowledge where they come from. Using your own words and creativity to define something that already exists. If you still don’t get it, let us give an example.

Imagine you are a student and your professor have asked a report on a topic and allowed you to discuss it with your team. Now your team has given you their report and each member has provided throne own report which is totally different from others. Now you can’t give those 6 reports to your professor so now what you will do is known as paraphrasing. You will read all reports and will collect the key points from each report and will present it in your own way.

So now here are some tips that you must keep in your mind while paraphrasing

  • When you write, start your first word or sentence at a completely different point from the original source.
  • Try using synonyms. (but don’t use unnecessary words)
  • Change the verbs, as in the form of words.
  • Create your own sentence structure in order to escape the plagiarism.

These are some basic tips that will shape a very amazing content whether you use paraphrasing tools or do it all on your own, both ways, you need to keep these tips in your mind while doing it.

How these paraphrasing tools are helping teachers and students:

It is quite hard for students to convert the author’s words and ideas into their own. When this is discussed in a classroom, students find it tough and don’t even try to paraphrase it as they feel uncomfortable sometimes and then other times they don’t have enough words and ideas to express the previous lecture into their own.

Paraphrasing is something that students need to be taught. But effective paraphrasing is really something that is necessary as it forces students to read, develop, use their own mind and skills, and find the appropriate synonym or word to define the original text.

When students will know how to paraphrase they will stop copying and plagiarizing and through this they can use their own creativity. So now, there are two types of paraphrasing.

The first one is that you paraphrase the original content your self and the other one is, you use paraphrasing or rephrasing tools to get the desired results. Both options required your own skills so there is no way that you can escape that. You must learn to paraphrase yourself first so when you do it using tools, you proofread it and have enough knowledge so you can define if it is correct or not.

Paraphrasing tools are really simple tools. You just have to copy the original content and then paste it in the box that appears on the main screen of every paraphrasing tool and then you’ll get you desired result.

Free paraphrasing tools:

As in this age, there are plenty of options for everything on the internet. Same goes with paraphrasing tools. There are dozens of sites that are offering to rephrase but you don’t know whether this tool is paid or not, or the results are trusted or not.

We have searched some good tools for you which provides free paraphrasing so you don’t have to invest your time onto that as well.

  •  The name defines the purpose here. This is a very fine tool and helps everyone to turn other’s ideas into your own.
  •  This is also one of the best sites to paraphrase your content.
  • Prepostseo: It is the best site and is totally free. It is quite user-friendly and the results sometimes even don’t require your proofreading.
  • Quillbot: It is also one of the best tools. This English paraphrasing tool changes words and provides the best synonyms.

How they rephrase sentences:

These tools are also known as sentence rewriter or reworder. With the help of these rephrasing tools, you can convert any content and define your own idea. Using the perfect synonyms.

The process of changing the original content is that it completely changes the previous words and replace them with perfect synonyms but the context remains the same.

  • The first step of the tool is to analyze the content. (It doesn’t take so long)
  • The next step is that it finds the suitable replaceable words (synonyms) so you result remain plagiarism-free.
  • The third step is to check the content of the whole content and change it properly.
  • Then the final outcome is the one which you see on your screen, The results.

Then what you must do is to proofread it with your naked eye as it is very important because algorithms of tools are just designed to change and paraphrase it, not make a good sense out of it. Then check the grammatical errors so there are no mistakes left.

Why these tools are important: 100words

These tools are important. As if you are a website owner and don’t have enough budget to hire a writer for your website’s content then you can use these tools. If you are a student and your teacher gives uncountable assignments on a very short deadline then you can take advantage of these tools. Teachers use it for giving assignments and sometimes lectures and even presentations. In the companies, employees use it to override some sentences and mix them with their own key points as well.

This is how paraphrasing tools are helping us and are important in every field.

Final words:

Paraphrasing tools are important and user-friendly. You just have to copy the original work and paste it in any of the tool’s converting box and then let the tool fetch you your desirable content. Your skills are also required as you should proofread it and correct all the grammatical mistakes and the context of the sentences. If you are doing it yourself then we must say that use our tips and then you’ll find a perfect edited/ paraphrased content.

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