
How Do Testimonial Videos Help in Establishing Trust in a Brand?

Last Updated on October 26, 2021 by Bharat Saini

Think back to the time, when you were planning to buy a new product, or subscribe to a new service. What made you draw in as a customer? Chances are, you looked for some videos and read reviews on their website or social media platforms. Isn’t it? 

So, this is the power of testimonial videos! Yes, video testimonials have become a famous marketing tool to engage the audience, build trust, and enhance the consumer base.

Video testimonials for business are a great way to showcase your work at a personal level which further makes a long-lasting effect on the customers. Nothing makes such a quicker impact and conversions than a testimonial video. Let’s understand what is a video testimonial in detail.

Introduction To Video Testimonials

These are usually the clients’ interviews/videos talking about their experience with a particular brand, product, or service. They are also looked upon as a case study, illustrating the value of a product. Usually, this is done by using real customer success stories. All this adds authenticity to any brand.

Do Video Testimonials Really Work? 

Of course, yes! They work as people love to see any product or service in action which makes sense and helps them make a buying decision.

For companies hiring new employees, the employee testimonials give prospective employees insight into what it’s like to work in that particular company. Telling stories is a part of the best customer experience. If you can share your products and services in action, people will much likely trust your brand, and more than a customer testimonial video will convert visitors into buyers.

The best and most successful brands leverage the power of video testimonials for business, and it’s time for you to do the same!

Reasons Why Video Testimonials Are so Effective For Your Business?

Who do you think is the most trusted and more credible brand ambassador for your business, you or your satisfied customer?

Of course, a satisfied customer, as according to research, 9 out of 10 people trust what a customer says about any business more than what a business says about itself.

Video testimonials are the kind of rubber stamp approval that many customers need to seal the deal. So, your business should emphasize customer testimonial video production for building better relationships with new and existing customers.

Not yet convinced of the importance of video testimonials? Here are the top reasons for making video testimonials a major part of your marketing strategy:

  1. Higher retention rate:  According to statistics, you know that videos have more than a 95% retention rate than content. Conveying messages to customers through videos will stick to their minds for a long time, which in turn increases their chances of making the purchase.  It’s better to start customer testimonial video production to improve your retention rate. It will help you convey your brand messages and market your products/services through amazing and interesting visuals.
  2. Build brand trust: We all know that word of mouth is an effective tool that helps businesses to build trust and credibility. Showing happy customers to the site visitors will help to build trust. Build a strong connection with the consumers as people trust real people more than the statistics. The brands use testimonial videos to build trust even among those who have never heard about your business or services.  So, what are you waiting for? Create powerful videos and establish a valuable connection with clients to generate positive results.
  3. Video testimonials convert into leads: Conversion is an important part of your marketing strategy. Your ultimate goal is to attract visitors and convert potential customers into buyers. Isn’t it? And, here testimonial videos can help you achieve your goals. Testimonial videos can easily tell about your product to the customers and how it works.  Converting visitors over the web is something difficult, but if you create video testimonials for business, it becomes really easy to make things work without any hassles.
  4. Videos get shared more than anything else:  You might have heard about the fact that videos are shared more than anything else. And, information shared in the form of videos is 12 times more effective than sharing normal text. More the number of shares means it will become easier to satisfy customers, and build relations. Testimonial videos help build trust and brand awareness.

Hopefully, all the reasons mentioned above will help you understand how testimonial videos can build trust among new customers. Sharing information through these videos will make people understand the value of your products and services in an engaging way. And, getting help from any video production company like Toolbox Studio can make your task easier. Visit the website of the best video editing company to create powerful testimonial videos that actually convert.

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