How can you check polish citizenship qualify?
Last Updated on June 26, 2023 by Bharat Saini
Having Polish citizenship brings many benefits, such as the ability to travel freely within the European Union, access to education or the right to use public services. So if you have Polish roots or have been living in Poland for a long time, you may be wondering whether you qualify for Polish citizenship. Therefore, below we will tell you how to find out if you qualify for a Polish passport and what documents you may need.
Do you have Polish ancestry?
If you have ancestors of Polish origin, there is a chance that you may qualify for Polish citizenship. In this case, it is worth researching your family genealogical tree and identifying ancestors of Polish origin. This can be done by examining family documents such as birth, marriage and death certificates or parish registers. If we are still unsure, it may also be a good idea to use, where we can complete a free test that will clear up many of our doubts.
Find out whether your ancestors were Polish citizens
The next step is to find out whether your ancestors were Polish citizens. There are various laws regarding the transmission of Polish citizenship across generations. For example, if your grandparents or great-grandparents were Polish citizens, you can probably apply for Polish citizenship.
Check whether you have documents confirming your Polish ancestry
In order to confirm your Polish ancestry, you may need to collect various documents, such as birth, marriage and death certificates, as well as other documents confirming the identity of your ancestors. It is important to have access to authentic documents that confirm your connection to Poland.
Consult the relevant institutions
If you have doubts about your eligibility for Polish citizenship or need help with the process, it is worth consulting the relevant institutions. In Poland, these include the Office for Foreigners and provincial offices. In many cases, especially if your case is complicated, it is worth using the services of a lawyer specializing in citizenship matters.
Confirmation of possession or loss of Polish citizenship
What if you want to confirm your possession of a Polish passport? An official confirmation will be necessary for that purpose. Such a service may be used by anyone who has or has had Polish citizenship and by anyone who has a legal interest in it or who is obliged to have their citizenship confirmed. Such confirmation can be obtained by submitting an application electronically or by traditional mail to a voivode or consulate – if we live abroad. We will then also have to pay a consular fee. Such an application should include:
– Personal data,
– Personal data of parents and grandparents,
– Any additional information that may help to establish the factual and legal status of the case,
– Documents supporting the information contained in the application.
The application for confirmation of possession or loss of Polish citizenship must be accompanied by:
– A photocopy of a current identity document,
– Copies of civil status certificates, i.e. birth certificate, marriage certificate, death certificate (they may need to be located if they were drawn up outside the borders of the Republic of Poland) – of the applicant and his/her ascendants to the second degree,
– Other documents confirming the data and information contained in the application (e.g. invalid Polish passport, Polish military booklet, invalid Polish identity card, certificate of current or last place of residence in Poland with a note about the identity card issued, certificate of Polish citizenship of the parent, acts of change of name or surname, act of foreign citizenship acquisition),
– Proof of payment of stamp duty,
– A copy of the child’s birth certificate and parents’ marriage certificate and identity documents of the parents – if the confirmation of citizenship applies to the child,
– Documents confirming the possession of Polish citizenship in the past and its loss if the applicant or his/her ascendants held such citizenship,
– Written power of attorney – if acting through an attorney,
– A photocopy of a repatriation card or an evacuation card of the person to whom confirmation of Polish citizenship applies as of 01.09.1939.
Process of Application for Polish Citizenship
Once you have collected the necessary documents confirming your Polish ancestry and citizenship, you can begin the process of applying for Polish citizenship – unless, of course, it turns out that you currently have it. For those living abroad, the procedure may be slightly different than for those living in Poland. It is therefore advisable to seek information from the relevant institutions – in the case of applying in Poland, from the competent voivode for your current place of residence; in the case of living abroad, from the consul. You can find the right consul for you on the website of the Ministry of Foreign Affairs.