Tips and Guide

How can a Blogger help the world in these tough times (COVID-19)?

Last Updated on April 5, 2020 by Bharat Saini

Today instead of discussing topics such as Blogging, Affiliate Marketing, Ways of online income and tips to start businesses let us discuss a situation the world is facing today.


How can a Blogger help the world in these tough times?

Well, a tough question. Isn’t it?
We are used to hearing that police department, medical department or firefighters have done a great job in helping people. But we never hear about Bloggers doing something of that sort. But can the Bloggers do anything since all they know is doing research, creating content, inspiring people etc?
Bloggers can really help people in a lot of ways. It is not necessary that you are at ground zero to help people. You can do a lot while being on your computer. Let us discuss how Bloggers can help when the world is fighting COVID-19
Spread Awareness
Since you are a Blogger you must be having a following. Use this one more time for the benefit of the world. Inspire people to fight Corona in whichever way they can. Throw open your platforms for knowledge sharing on this pandemic. You can literally spread the word about COVID-19 among your followers. There are many ways this can be done:-
Create content and spread the word
Create some awesome content. It can be video, photo, post or anything else. you can create awesome infographics about the various stats. such as no. of cases, help provided by govt. etc. Keep your readers updated with the latest news and of course inform them about dos’ and don’ts. You can also create a podcast series to help people. Another good way would be to do a live on FB, Insta to speak to your audience.
Collaborate with Doctors and answer the FAQs
Another important thing you can do is that you can collaborate with the Doctors, health workers and answer the common questions about the COVID-19. Speak to Doctor fix an appointment of around half an hour for going live and start spreading the word about your live a few days in advance, so that you can benefit the most number of people. Encourage people to ask as many questions they can. In fact, you can collect the list of questions from the audience beforehand and ensure that all of those questions are answered.
Publish correct data on your Blog
You can take up the responsibility to counter the fake or propaganda news. Publish accurate data from GOI websites or WHO websites. Research, analyse, process and publish the data at a few intervals. Ask your audience to forward this information to their dear ones. Even if the trend is not that positive ask people to stay put and calm. Publish positive news and data which can bring more positivity in the society in these gloomy times. Rather than just publishing about an increased number of cases you can punish the arrangements the government is doing. Publish more about new hospitals being created, testing kits being manufactured locally and other unique ideas being implemented to fight COVID-19.
Donate from what little you have
Create a fund from your community and donate it to the PM Care Fund or other organisation that are working to fight COVID-19. Start from yourself and then request your audience to make a contribution. Make sure that for every payment proper receipt should be generated and given i.e keep the transactions transparent. Not only money you can help donate food, medicines, clothes and other necessary groceries as required.
Let us pledge to fight COVID-19 together. Let us pledge to win, let us pledge to save as many as we can and let us pledge to wage the war against this pandemic.
Let us continue the fight till the last man standing the queue is safe.

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