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Great Opportunity to be a part of the Bihar Police

Last Updated on August 18, 2017 by Bharat Saini

Police acts as a preserver of peace, law and order by being fair and impartial. It is trained to protect life. Its vocation is people’s life and death, both collectively and individually. Superior police force works with professional freedom of action, integrity, and a strong commitment to adhere to the law of the land without any fear or favour. Policing essentially is a public service and in a democratic set up, it affects large sections of society more seriously than any other agency of the government. Police and public must communicate with each other and work in partnership to maintain trust between them-selves.

Bihar Police is committed to striving to achieve the highest standards of professional competence, adapting to changes both foreseen and unforeseen, using Science and Technology and synergizing its vast human resources to the optimum. Transparency in working and accountability to the people and the Constitution is the special area of focus. The Vision of Bihar Police includes:

  • Upholding belief in inalienable Human Rights of the individual and the Rule of Law
  • Prevention and detection of Crime by systematic, scientific, meticulous and rigorous investigation
  • Encouraging Police – Public cooperation by initiating Community policing initiatives
  • Creating a work environment and work ethic which focuses on team building, multilateral communication and mutual trust
  • Developing a spirit of humanism, reform and compassion for the poorest of the poor
  • Evolving effective systems and updating existing procedures in collaboration with the Courts to firm up the Criminal Justice System
  • Combating Extremist and Anti National activities with firmness interspersed with attempts to win the hearts and minds of the militants
  • Playing a pro-active role against organized crime
  • Striving for excellence in every aspect of its functioning to reach the pinnacles of achievement

Police responsibility is exercised through legally enforceable rules and its accountability is at three levels:

  • Accountability to the people,
  • Accountability to law and
  • Accountability to the Police Organization.

Modern police force requires an altogether new orientation; must don a new role as partners in the development process, and are expected to be sensitive to human rights and gender issues. The ethos of police organization should be transformed from enforcement to enablement.

  • Use of force must be based on the principles of necessity and proportionality.
  • Force should be applied only to the extent required for the legitimate ends of law enforcement and maintaining public order.
  • The prime duty of police is to prevent crime and disorder, and the police must recognize that the test of their efficiency is the absence of both and not the visible evidence of police action in dealing with them.
  • The police must also realize that the efficient performance of their duties will be dependent on the extent of cooperation that they receive from the public. This, in turn, will depend on their ability to secure public approval of their conduct and actions and to earn and retain public respect and confidence.

Integrity of the highest order is the fundamental basis of the prestige of the police. Recognizing this, Police must keep their private lives scrupulously clean, develop self-restraint and be truthful and honest in their thought and deed, so that public may regard them as exemplary citizens.

Policing in Bihar is more than 3000 years old. In fact, there are documented historical references to policing practices adopted by the Magadh Empire. Policing in the Modern era in Bihar began in the year 1862 with the introduction of the Indian Police Act of 1861. Following the creation of the province of Bihar in 1912, the basic structure of police as it exists today in the whole of India was laid. Post-independence, Bihar Police holds the legacy of a rich tradition with the introduction of innovative policing and welfare practices such as creation of a Police Welfare fund, Police Hospitals and Police Information Room (PIR) in 1952. A Police Commission was also set up in 1958, whose mandate was to bring the police closer to the people. The Bihar Policemen’s Association which came into existence in 1967 was the first of its kind to look after the interests of the policemen. Today, Bihar police, with the cooperation of the people that it is mandated to serve and its rich traditions of excellence is firmly committed to confront and surmount the numerous challenges it faces.

There is a great opportunity to be a part of the Bihar Police as Central Selection Board of Constables, Shri Sai Tara Complex, I.A.S. Colony, Jawaharlal Nehru Marg, Patna – 801 503 (Bihar) has invited applications for 9900 posts of Constables in Bihar Police, Bihar Armed Police and other Units of Bihar Police the Police. Eligible candidates may apply online from July 31, 2017 to August 302017, the last date; at Central Selection Board of Constables official website: www.csbc.bih.nic.in. The complete details of Eligibility Criteria including Educational Qualifications, Physical Fitness, Age Limits, Salary and other details are available on the official website. Selection will be based on the following process:

Stage I:  Written Examination:               – 100 Marks/ 120 Minutes

Stage II:  Physical Proficiency Test:     – 100 Marks


The Candidates are guided to prepare for their Examinations with the tried and tested updated Books / Study material as under:

 Upkar Bihar Jila / Rail / Sainya Police Constable Bharti Pariksha


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