Health and Fitness

Floating for Pain Relief

Last Updated on January 28, 2023 by Bharat Saini

Due to the rise in painkillers and opioid abuse, many people are opting for non-pharmaceutical alternatives to pain management. Float therapy is one great option available to people who want to improve their overall wellness and reduce pain. If you’re looking for the best spa in Ottawa, look for one that provides floatation therapy.

How Does Float Therapy Treat Pain?

Floatation works to reduce pain in three ways:

1. Weightlessness

Float therapy takes place in an almost zero-gravity floatation pool. The absence of the force of gravity allows the spine to stretch and decompress. This reduces the amount of pressure on the body’s muscles, tendons, and nerves. As a result, blood flow is improved. With better circulation, healing and recovery processes are accelerated.

During floatation therapy, the body can make more pain-reducing hormones, endorphins, and enkephalins. Increased blood flow may make these natural painkillers more effective at blocking the transmission of pain signals. With a reduced number of pain signals being sent through the body, an individual can experience pain relief.

Floating also stimulates the parasympathetic nervous system. This system is in charge of the relaxation response. Pain decreases as the body release tension and reduces the production of stress hormones.

2. Salts

Floatation water has a high concentration of Epsom salts which helps mimic a low-gravity environment. Epsom salt, or magnesium sulfate, is a mineral that improves human health. Our skin absorbs the magnesium-rich Epsom salts during float therapy, which helps to:

  • Lower inflammation
  • Regulate enzyme activity
  • Support muscle and nerve function
  • Prevent arterial hardening

The combination of low gravity and magnesium sulfate forms a powerful therapy tool for pain management.

3. Silence

The floatation environment is silent, not just quiet. People with chronic pain often experience higher levels of stress, and the silence of float therapy can aid in stress management. Proper stress management helps reduce feelings of pain in the body.

A floatation tank completely blocks out the outside world. An individual inside a sensory deprivation tank is cut off from other people, cell phones, and other distractions. This allows users to reach the elusive Theta state, the euphoric period before sleep, and their mind has a chance to calm down.

People spend most of the day alert, in a Beta state, coping with life’s daily problems. The mind works very fast in this state, and the body produces the stress hormone cortisol. During the Theta state, the brain and stress hormone production slows down, allowing the body to repair itself and relieve pain.

What Types of Pain Does Floating Treat?

Float therapy may help people with the following pain issues:

  • Rheumatoid arthritis
  • Migraines
  • Back and joint pain
  • Fibromyalgia
  • Tendonitis
  • Bursitis
  • Traumatic injuries
  • Back pain
  • Sports injuries
  • Spine injuries
  • Pregnancy discomfort

Pregnant women should wait until their second or third trimester to schedule floatation therapy. During the first trimester, there is an increased likelihood for pregnant women to feel nauseated while floating, which interferes with the effectiveness of the session.

Go Floating at the Best Spa in Ottawa

Floating can improve the well-being of your mind and body. The Epsom salts, anti-gravity, and silent ambiance of the tanks can help individuals manage temporary and chronic pain. If you are looking for pain relief without prescription medication, find the best spa in Ottawa with floatation therapy services and give floating a try.

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