COVID-19 Prevention: 6 Easy Ways to Easily Disinfect Your Home
Last Updated on August 15, 2020 by Bharat Saini
The coronavirus pandemic has brought a lot of change to people’s lives. To protect the family and home, it is no longer enough that surfaces are simply wiped or dusted clean. You have to look for effective disinfection methods as well as products that get rid of all types of germs. In a recent study, it was found out that coronavirus can stay up in the air for up to three hours and live on surfaces such as cardboard for up to 24 hours, and plastic and stainless steel for up to three days. To help prevent the spread of coronavirus disease, make sure to disinfect your entire household the right way and on a regular basis.
Here are 6 easy ways to disinfect your home:
Invest in air cleaners and sanitizers.
Using air cleaners and sanitizers do not only help improve the quality of air inside your home but also reduces airborne contaminants including viruses. The Centers for Disease Control and Prevention says air filtration can be part of a plan to protect you and your family from coronavirus once it is used along with best practices, such as surface disinfection, frequent washing of hands, and social distancing.
Clean, then disinfect.
It is important to note the great difference between cleaning to remove dirt and dust and disinfecting to kill germs and viruses. This time of the pandemic, you are required to apply both methods one after the other. For dusty areas, wipe them clean, then disinfect. On the other hand, you can clean areas with stains and sticky spills using soap and water before disinfecting them. Using a cleaner-disinfectant is also a great option since it combines both steps and speeds up the process.
Focus on areas that are hotspots for germs.
While it is not necessary to clean your home from top to bottom every day, you must focus on disinfecting areas that are home to a lot of germs. Even if you are not leaving the house, make sure to use spray disinfectant on your toilet, especially the seat and handle, cupboards and drawers, kitchen and bathroom counters, faucets, doorknobs and handles, table surfaces, staircase railings, and light switches. Remember to let disinfected surfaces dry fully before you use them.
Only use EPA-registered cleaning products.
The usual household cleaning products might not be enough to kill the germs sticking around. It is high time that you shop for disinfectants that are approved by the United States Environmental Protection Agency or EPA, such as hydrogen peroxide, isopropyl alcohol, and disinfectant brands Purell, Clorox, or Lysol. When spraying disinfectant, always check if it is appropriate for the surface by reading the label instructions.
To thoroughly disinfect areas, follow the proper techniques provided by EPA, which include letting the product sit on surfaces or objects for about 10 minutes as it helps kill 99.9 percent of germs.
Use a disinfecting wipe on your electronics.
Electronics, such as mobile phones, tablets, and laptops, have helped people stay connected with their families and friends during the stay-at-home order. However, due to the frequent touching of these devices and bringing them anywhere you go, they could become magnets for germs. Make your home electronics germ-free by using disinfecting wipes. For disinfecting your desktop computer, you can use isopropyl alcohol (70% solution) and a soft towel to wipe down the monitor, mouse and mouse pad, and keyboard.
Wash your laundry at a higher than usual temperature.
To help reduce the risk of exposure to coronavirus, use hot water when washing your clothes. Experts recommend that high-risk clothing, which includes workout gear, towels, and reusable nappies, should be washed at 60-degree celsius or above. Aside from heat, using bleach is also one effective way of rendering viruses inactive. Viruses can spread easily on wet surfaces, so always let your clothes dry thoroughly after washing.
When disinfecting your home using products with strong chemicals, always wear protective gear like gloves to avoid skin irritations. Try not to breathe in the chemicals and open some windows to let fresh air inside. To prevent the spread of the infectious disease, every household member should participate in the thorough home disinfection effort and educate himself about COVID-19 precautionary measures.
Do not hesitate to hire the service of professionals to help disinfect your home. For cleaning and maintaining your air conditioning system, only partner with an HVAC company that can offer effective solutions to keep your home safe and COVID-free.