General Knowledge

Combat Management System for Indigenous Aircraft Carrier

Last Updated on May 25, 2019 by Bharat Saini

Combat Management System (CMS) for Indigenous Aircraft Carrier developed under ‘Make in India’ policy of the Government by Tata Power Strategic Engineering Division (TPSED) in collaboration with Weapon and Electronics System Engineering Establishment (WESEE) and MARS, Russia, after successful completion of all tests and trials, was handed over to Indian Navy on 28 Mar 2019 at TPSED, Bengaluru.

A Naval Combat Management System (CMS) is the computer system that connects a naval ship’s sensors, weapons, data links, support measures and other equipment to the officers and staff performing the tasks in combat through the cycle of OODA loop. Typical functions include sensor control, sensor data fusion, threat evaluation, weapons assignment, weapons control, etc.

OODA loop is the cycle observe–orient–decide–act, developed by military strategist and the United States Air Force Colonel John Boyd. Boyd applied the concept to the combat operations process, often at the operational level during military campaigns.

A Combat Management System simplifies the execution of tasks of aligning information, hardware and people by Commanding Officers of Navy on the modern battlefield situations to accomplish their complex missions, as the battlefield situations continuously change in a rapid, unexpected and chaotic fashion.

  • CMS is designed to collect and review and adjust information in order to have superior knowledge over potential enemies,
  • It shortens decision-making cycles and executes rapid and accurate weapon engagement.
  • CMS has a modular and scalable design assuring compatibility with a broad range of air, land and sea-based systems and platforms.
  • CMS can handle vast amounts of information, can keep track of thousands of positions and tracks,
  • It is highly automated, has full sensor fusion, and can provide threat evaluation,
  • It can assist weapon and sensor pairing,
  • It has a command, control and communication capability,
  • It is easy to operate and easy to maintain.
  • It integrates “everything” that a commanding officer has at his disposal.

A Combat Management System for Navy is what a Battle Management System (BMS) for Military – the land forces. BMS relies on information collectively gathered by the unit’s elements. Specific targets are marked on the BMS displays, allocating tasks and coordinating fire and maneuver over a large area, without the need for visual coordination. Integration of blue force tracking improves situational awareness and minimizes the risk of so-called “blue on blue”.

  • BMS is used to create real-time situational reports for relevant command, service and support units.
  • When used with mechanized infantry units, BMS systems can be detached from the vehicle to support dismounted infantry operations.
  • In this application, encrypted wireless (SATCOM, UHF data, WiFi, Bluetooth and/or other) links are becoming vital for the integration of the services available on the vehicle, its crew and the dismounted element.

Battle and Combat Management systems range from comprehensive and affordable to complex and expensive. These systems can be configured to any requirement or budget.

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