In fast changing global scenario the world has turned unipolar with USA emerging as the sole nation legitimizing its hegemony in every global matter – political, economic or military. One country that matched US power on the world map was Soviet Union which got disintegrated in the year 1991 and with that era of bipolar world and cold war abruptly came to an end. Russia,though still a force to reckon with in world affairs, being permanent member of UN Security, does not possess those capabilities that once earned it a highly esteemed place in comity of nations.
Times have changed, so have priorities on global level.With churning taking place in global affairs after the 9/11 earthshaking terrorist attack and subsequent emergence of USA as whole-sole policeman in world affairs, one nation that never sat in lap of USA and maintained its clear and demarcated independence in international arena is China. Country which avowedly takes pride in its cultural roots, its economic influence and increasing military prowess without caring to objections raised by international community, particularly by USA, in its pursuit of political,military, economic and political objectives. Moreover, its expansionist tendencies in south China, Antarctica and Space are giving sleepless nights to policy makers and think tanks in Washington.
Chinese expansions in south China is raising hackles of policy makers of USA and the way China is building series of installations, airstrips and refueling facilities, on existing reefs and small man-made islands near Spartly Island, is causing concern and setting alarm bells across the world underscoring need to make concerted and coordinated international efforts to exert pressure on China to stop its juggernaut. All the more the “land reclamation” projects are being undertaken in disputed territories as claimed by Philippines and Vietnam. Chinese policy has been to ignore world opinion and embark on its expansionist spree in unilateral manner which only works to reinforce fears of small countries adjacent to China.
All the more, the Chinese refusal to engage in multilateral initiatives within Association of Southeast Asian Nations (ASEAN) framework to resolve disputes, highlights China’s innate avarice of grabbing land at expanse of the goodwill ofits weak neighbours. Since, USA has national security stake in South Sea, as maintenance of free navigation and transit through the Sea is strategically vital to America, its regional allies and global economic stability, the stand-off between Chinese and Americans may snowball into major military clash and more so despite US objections to China’s approach, Chinese naval forces warned a US Navy surveillance plane to leave the area near man-made islands in South China Sea. China’s claim to sovereignty over disputed reefs and islands threatening free shipping and aviation has aggravated the situation.
Beijing’s negative approach in finding solution to the border disputes with itsclose neighbours particularly India causes a chagrin and heartburn among policy maker in New Delhi despite India’s efforts towards resolution of all pending issues with China in amicable manner. Chinese hesitation in recognizing Arunachal Pradesh and Sikkim as integral part of India with frequent Chinese military incursion into Indian territory have laid major road blocks in path of achieving durable peace between the two neighbours.