Fashion & Lifestyle

Chapped Lips? Lip Balm Ingredients to Avoid

Last Updated on March 19, 2019 by Bharat Saini

There are many reasons for chapped lips from sun damage to licking your lips too often.

If you have chapped lips regularly then it may be tempting to always turn to your favorite lip balm.

But, are you sure that this lip balm is right for you? In fact, there are a few lip balm ingredients to avoid. Make sure your lip balm doesn’t contain any of these…

1. Phenol Causes Nervous System Damage
As this ingredient is one which can kill bacteria growth it is regularly found in skin care products.

However, it is not your friend. In fact, it has been proven to cause many problems when applied regularly.

For example, damage to the nervous system, to your kidneys and also to your liver.

Make sure to not only check your lip balm, but also any other skin care products you regularly use.

2. Hyaluronic Acid Makes Your Lips Feel Worse
You read it right, if you’re buying a lip balm with hyaluronic acid in it, you’re doing more damage than good to your pout.

This ingredient is likely added to keep you going back for more lip balm every few minutes. You’ll develop a habit and keep dabbing it on, yet your lips may never feel better.

However, this ingredient is added to many lip balms as it plumps up your pout. In the meantime, it pulls water out of your lips which is what causes them to feel irritated.

Never use a lip balm with hyaluronic acid on a plane or during winter! Now you know, make sure to look out for this ingredient in other makeup products.

3. “Fragrances” Don’t Have to be Described
Want your lips to smell like cherries? This may be a bad move. The FDA federal law enables companies to use the word “fragrances” without naming the actual ingredient.

While the word fragrance doesn’t necessarily mean anything sinister, do you really want to take that risk? On this note, you may also want to avoid “flavors” as this is a very similar story.

Instead, stick to the original versions of a product, read the labels and, if you’re trying something new out, check online whether it’s recommended by others.

4. Parabens Could be Increasing Your Risk of Cancer
Apparently, parabens can disrupt the endocrine system. But, what exactly does this mean?

Well, researchers believe that the increase in how many women develop breast cancer may be linked to the increase in how often parabens are used in lip balms and other products.

Parabens aren’t only bad news for women, they also reduce the sperm count in men and reduce their levels of testosterone.

Check your labels and make sure to put anything with parabens right back on the shelf! Remember, you can’t always trust promotional chap stick labels.

Write Down these Lip Balm Ingredients to Avoid
Now you know the lip balm ingredients to avoid, you’ll be more likely to notice just how many products they’re in.

A few ingredients you DO want, however, are coconut and shea butter! Seriously, they’ll drastically improve how your lips feel! Need a few other ideas on how to improve your life? Check out these powerful ways and you won’t be disappointed.

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