Health and Fitness

A Quick Guide to Dental Implants – The Good, the Bad, and the Nitty Gritty

Last Updated on November 10, 2024 by Bharat Saini

Quick Guide to Dental Implants
Dental implants are a permanent solution for those seeking to improve their smiles. You can’t get dental implants the same way that you would get a filling. Instead, you need to find a trained dental surgeon, then have a consultation before you can start scheduling the various appointments necessary before the procedure can take place. Dental implants can be pricey, and the procedure itself will leave you a little sore, but the results are nothing less than remarkable. Find out all of the ins and outs of dental implants in your area and you won’t need to guess about what to expect.

The Difference Between Dental Implants and Other Dental Procedures

While bridges, crowns, and caps are long lasting, the difference between these other procedures and dental implants is that they are all basic procedures comparatively. Before you can get dental implants, there is a lot of preparation that has to be done. In the case of getting a bridge, you might need to come in on a couple of days so that molds can be taken. The second difference between dental implants and the other dental cosmetic procedures listed is that you really need to find a dental surgeon who is also an artist. Getting a really good-looking set of dental implants is all about artistry.

How Your Dentist Should Prepare You for Dental Implants

When dental implants are put in, they are supposed to perfectly mimic the look and feel of natural teeth. Sure, dental implants need to look good and improve the appearance of your smile. On the other hand, they also need to be totally functional. So, that means that your dentist has to install them in a way that makes it possible for you to chew, breathe, and smile as naturally as possible. To prepare, you will have to go to a series of dentist appointments where you will be educated on the process, your mouth will be prepped, and progress will be measured. The difficult part about all of this is that your existing teeth have to be removed before dental implants can be installed.

Dental Implant Installation Techniques

The most common way that dental implants are installed is by having them screwed directly into the jawline. This part of the procedure can cause discomfort, but it is really the recovery period that causes the most suffering. Dentists will drill directly into the patient’s jawbone to ensure that each dental implant is securely and permanently anchored. The procedure has to be done very carefully to ensure that each implant goes in completely straight and perfectly aligned. Some people get just a few dental implants to replace faulty teeth, then there are others that have all of their teeth replaced so that they can get a uniform look. Once finished, you should follow the same oral care routine that you followed before having dental implants installed. They need to be brushed and flossed, and you still need to attend regularly scheduled dentist appointments.

Recovering After Getting Dental Implants

Recovery after dental implants is probably the hardest part of the entire ordeal. Your mouth is going to be swollen. Since, the recovery time for dental implants is quite long, you will not be able to eat anything except soft foods for a few days. Immediately after the procedure, you will be more susceptible to infection, so you might be given antibiotics in addition to painkillers. Just follow your dentist’s instructions so that you can make it through the recovery period quickly and without complication. For the most part, you will likely just want to stay indoors and drink a lot of fluids while your mouth and body heal naturally. The good news is that the mouth is one of the parts of the body that heals quite rapidly. You will feel any pain and discomfort subside quickly and the results will reveal themselves quickly.

Dental Implants – Realistic Expectations About Pricing as Well as Results

The look of dental implants is generally superior to other kinds of dental procedures because of the tedious care that goes into crafting each artificial tooth. Compared to dentures, dental implants are preferred by many patients because they are almost totally indistinguishable from the teeth that grew out of your gumline. Now, as for pricing, there is also a huge difference between dentures and dental implants. Sometimes they are covered by insurance, making it possible for patients to choose their dentists right along with other aspects of the procedure. For the most part though, you can expect to pay for dental implants. And right now, that would set you back at least a few thousand. To get your entire mouth re-done with dental implants, you may spend tens of thousands to get that perfect smile.
Dental Implants and Longevity
Dental implants are considered to be permanent, but there is no type of dental procedure that lasts forever. What permanent means in this instance is approximately 20 plus years. Dentures generally last around a decade, while crowns and bridges have to constantly be tweaked, fixed, and serviced. What can be said is that dental implants usually last at least 20 years before they show any type of sign of wear. This is a good time period as even human teeth are not guaranteed to last forever. Simply care for your dental implants as instructed and you will get many more than 20 years out of them.
If you need to get a missing tooth replaced, or enhance a part of your smile that has always given you trouble, look to getting dental implants. You will forget they are even in your mouth a couple of weeks after the procedure is finished. Your friends and family might notice that your smile has improved, but they will never guess that you have had dental implants installed. This permanent cosmetic dental procedure is one that you won’t regret as long as you are careful and thoughtful about selecting a dentist. Expect your smile to be permanently improved with the help of a good set of dental implants, the skills of a well-trained oral surgeon, and your ability to follow after-care instructions properly.

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