
6 Housekeeping chores To Deal with While on The Phone

Last Updated on April 10, 2014 by Bharat Saini

If you think about the time that you spend talking on the phone every single day, you will realize that the time that you devote can be a bit shocking. It is true that phone is today a basic mean of communication and that it gives you the opportunity to contact with people that are out of your reach or that are far away from you. Around the busy working schedule and the numerous tasks that people need to perform every day they it is more than difficult to manage with all of them at the same day.
As far as cleaning duties are concerned, they are always time consuming and people often postpone them just for the next day or rely on LondonHomeCleaning to take care of the annoying job. To create a useful solution for this problem we offer to your attention some of the housekeeping chores to do while you are talking on the phone.
• Dust the table, chair and other furniture
This is one cleaning duty that is easy to perform even when you are holding the phone with one hand. During the interesting conversation you can also help yourself with one of the cleaning duties. Grab a clean towel and start dusting all the furniture that are near you. This won’t bother your sweet conversation in any way. After some time you can change the hands, if you feel too tired and continue with dusting.
• Cleaning the windows
Do not feel surprised, because it is not impossible to clean the windows while you are on the phone. However you need to be a little more crafty and experienced with such kind of performances. You may need an additional chair to help you, because you my need to sit, in order to feel more comfortable and stable. If it comes to big and more spacious windows we advise you to stay satisfied with the lower part of the window as long as you are talking on the phone.
• Wiping the floor
This activity may sound easy at first look, but if you have decided to spent more than an hour on phone, take into account that you need a lot of motivation and strong hands. Here, holding the phone without hands is the most preferred thing to do because the broom is sometimes difficult to be controlled with one hand only. If you want just to put the garbage from the floor at one place, which after finishing up with the conversation, will be swept properly, you won’t experience any problems. After all the person on the other side does not need to know what you are doing at the same moment as long as this is not a hide to a beneficial communication.
• Empty the waste baskets
If you have the habit of walking through the whole house, while performing your lovely conversations what is more appropriate than getting rid of the garbage into the bins. You can start with the living room and continue with the whole house till you check every single basket for waste.
• Cleaning the bathroom sink
Cleaning of the bathroom sink is another household duty that could be performed without any hesitation while discussing major issued on the phone. You need to have one available hand in order to provide effective cleaning with a clean towel and a proper detergent.
• Throw away the spoiled food
If your fridge is full of food that needs to be removed the right time to rearrange the fridge may be while you are on the phone. It has been proven that sometimes people are far more creative when there are performing two actions at the same time, however pay attention not to throw away the food that is still appropriate for eating. If you are a type of person that become easily distracted we advise you not to perform this action too often.

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