Tips and Guide

11 Minor Changes That Can Transform Your Entire Life

Last Updated on October 24, 2020 by Bharat Saini

Getting stuck in a rut is all too common and can be very frustrating. The problem is that falling into routines and habits is very easy, and once those habits have had time to develop, they can be even harder to break free from. The key to remember is that sitting and feeling bad about those habits rarely improves matters. The good news is that even some minor changes to your life can have dramatic and very positive effects. If you can’t face making major life changes, here are some minor ones you can start today that might have a bigger and more positive impact on your life than you might think.

Getting Outside

You don’t have to go for a daily five-mile run! However, getting outside for ten minutes can make you feel much better. It can boost creativity, make you feel more positive, and even improve your memory. Research shows that spending time in natural settings can enhance cognitive function and reduce stress. For example, a study published in the Environmental Science & Technology journal found that just five minutes of exercise in a natural environment can significantly improve mood and self-esteem. If you can find some green spaces to take a walk in, all the better because multiple research studies have shown that even five minutes in a forest brings a huge range of physical and emotional benefits. From improved concentration to stress relief, going outside once in a while is something that everyone can do. You don’t have to exert yourself physically. Take your time and absorb your surroundings. You will return home feeling infinitely better.

Stop Drinking Soda

This can be tricky to tackle if you’re used to drinking multiple cans every day. While the occasional can or bottle of cola isn’t too bad for you, if you’re drinking multiple sugary drinks every day, then you’re doing a lot of harm to your body. Both regular and diet versions of sodas will damage your teeth, and they are terrible if you’re trying to take control of your weight. According to the American Heart Association, sugary drinks are linked to weight gain, diabetes, and heart disease. Look at alternatives to drinking another can of soda. Water, fruit juice, and cups of tea will be much better for you, and you’ll start to feel the difference quickly.

Don’t Shop Hungry

Pretty much everyone has tried to do their weekly shopping without having something to eat first. The results are always the same. You end up at home with a lot more food than you were planning to buy, which is snacks and treats. Studies show that shopping on an empty stomach can lead to impulse purchases of unhealthy foods. Those who take the time to eat before the weekly shop will tend to gravitate more toward the fruit and vegetable sections. Stop shopping on an empty stomach, and your cupboards at home could be better.


Smiling benefits us in many ways, even though it can sometimes be hard to muster a good smile if you’re still staring at the news and wondering about the state of the world. However, the importance of your smile should not be underestimated. According to research from the University of California, Berkeley, smiling can reduce stress and lower blood pressure. Not only do we gravitate more towards people who smile often, but there are also some very positive health benefits. Reminding yourself to smile can be an easy habit to adopt and could transform your daily mood.

Read a Book

We all know that if we want a healthy body, we need to exercise it. The same is true of your brain. While there are many ways to give your brain a good workout, there’s nothing as amazing as picking up a good book. You don’t have to torture yourself with classics; choose stories you enjoy. Engaging in reading has been shown to increase empathy and improve brain function, with research indicating that regular readers can experience lower stress levels and better mental health overall. It can be tough to pick up the habit of reading regularly, but the more you do it, the more you will benefit.

Remove Toxicity

Having toxic people in your life is harmful in many ways. Unnecessary drama, non-stop complaining, and gripes about their daily lives create an endless stream of negativity, which will inevitably affect you, too. Most people have a few toxic personalities in their social circles, but because they are part of a friend group, they can be hard to avoid. Start by limiting your interaction with them. Don’t hang out with them if there’s nobody else there to soak up some of that negativity. Surrounding yourself with encouraging, positive personalities can lead to immediate benefits.

Learn to Budget

If something is bound to cause you high-stress levels, it’s your money. No matter how tight your finances are, having a budget is the key to worrying less about your money situation. Knowing how much you can afford to spend on essentials means knowing when and how much you can treat yourself to little pleasures. According to the National Endowment for Financial Education, budgeting can significantly reduce financial stress and help you save money. There are many different strategies for improved money management, and many budgeting apps can be personalized to your finances. Money will be one of life’s biggest stressors, but by budgeting, you might even be able to start saving. Having money to fall back on in emergencies is a life-changing feeling.

Look for the Positives

It’s easy to fall into the trap of endlessly complaining. Whether it’s your job, neighbors, or even your health, complaining is easy to fall into during even the most positive discussions with friends and family. The problem is that complaining about something never actually helps. If you realize that you spend more time complaining about your job or relationship, it usually indicates that you’re unhappy. Change can be frightening, but if your complaints are consistent, it might be time to start looking at practical ways to adjust your thinking. Leave that loveless relationship or change that job you loathe, and your life will improve in every way.

Manage Your Social Media Use

Studies have shown that spending too much time on social media is bad for you. Prolonged social media use has been proven to cause anxiety, depression, and loneliness. Limiting time on platforms like Twitter and Facebook can significantly improve your mental health. Some apps allow you to set time limits for certain applications on your phone, but the key is to find something else to do when you typically start your infinite scrolling.

Have a Glass of Water

The medical advice is to make sure you drink eight cups of water daily, but many people ignore that advice. Dehydration can cause serious health issues, and gulping down a few extra glasses of water daily can make a more significant difference than you might think. Regularly drinking more water can improve memory and dramatically improve your mood. Studies suggest that proper hydration is essential for maintaining optimal mental performance. For anyone trying to manage their weight, high water consumption levels can even help prevent future health issues like bladder infections or kidney stones. Remember to underestimate the importance of water, and try to drink as much of it in the day as you can.

Have a Goal

You don’t have to drift through life. Everyone should have a goal, and having something to aim for means you will immediately start adapting your life around that goal. Setting goals is a proven way to boost productivity in life management and the office. Think about your short- and long-term goals and work out a plan to ensure that you can always work towards those goals. Whether it’s a dream vacation, a career change, or finishing that book you started writing years ago, having goals benefits everyone.


Even the smallest changes in your life can have long-lasting positive effects. Think about how you spend your days and what you could be doing instead, and slowly remove all the bad habits and people holding you back. Start with small changes, and you could look back and wonder why it took you so long to make such positive improvements to your life.

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